Right Place

Targeting RBZ to key locations may be more cost-effective than universal installation. An option to support strategic targeting of buffer zones may be through the use of remote sensing technology (e.g. LiDAR) to determine Digital Elevation Models (DEM) or their derivatives (e.g. “wetness index”). Digital elevation models can identify morphological features such as slope, aspect, flow, length, contributing areas, drainage divides and channel networks. DEMs can be linked to soil risk factors (related to source and transport) to identify critical “breakthrough” areas of converging flow, where sediment and nutrient rich runoff are most likely to occur. Often, flow models neglect to include soil factors that can greatly inform risk of critical source areas (CSA’s; a combination of delivery and source risks) where RBZ targeting will have the most gains in buffering efficacy. The DiffuseTOOLS project is using this approach to develop maps of Hydrologically Sensitive Areas (HSA; delivery routes and stream interception points) and CSAs. Previously, this approach has indicated that by targeting buffer zones, a reduction in overland flow of sediment and nutrients was achieved with smaller land-area and reduced financial cost; by 66% and 91% over 1 and 5 years respectively, compared to blanket implementation (as per agri-environment schemes).

October 27th, 2020

Delivery Point

Delivery points can generate large amounts of sediment in runoff even in cases where the catchment associated with the delivery point is small.

The location shows the impact of cattle huddling in a particular. The location is on the high side of the field. The location is at the southwestern point of the field, so possibly cattle congregate here for shelter from the wind.

October 26th, 2020

Cattle Traffic

Track with frequent cattle traffic. The stream side of the track appears to be naturally lower than the rest of the bank edge. Focussed flow is likely to exacerbate the natural line of the bank.

October 20th, 2020

Natural Channels

Many delivery points arise as a result of following natural channels within a field. There is no strong visual evidence of bank erosion.

Post Date: December 08th 2020
Length 48 seconds
Format: YouTube Video
Post Date: December 7th 2020
Length 19 seconds
Format: YouTube Video
Post Date: December 5th 2020
Length 39 seconds
Format: YouTube Video
Post Date: December 5th 2020
Length 34 seconds
Format: YouTube Video

About SMARTER BufferZ

The SMARTER_BufferZ project aims to ensure optimal targeting and management of riparian buffers for the effective management of Irish rivers, and ensure the right measure is in the right place.

This project is funded under the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020. The EPA Research Programme is a Government of Ireland initiative funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment. It is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, which has the statutory function of co-ordinating and promoting environmental research.

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